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Here I am at Epcot, I was there when Epcot first opened. I don't know when this pic was taken, maybe '86? The glass for that big dome/globe in the back ground was made by the father of one of my classmates. I could walk to the factory from my house.
ah, the life of the leisure class. I just like this picture. It would make a cool painting. In the original picture you can see the arrow blurring as it leaves the shot. Notice I shoot recurve, no wussy compound for me. Actually, that's only a light target bow. Check out the fly guard over the horse's eyes.
Dome Sweet Home. This is the home I grew up in. It was featured in a newspaper article sometime back. Anyone else would have hung the paper on the wall, my parents lost our only copy.
My Sister in high school. She's now... well, I don't know how old she is now, 24 or 25 maybe. It's hard to keep track of such things.
Here is my dad and I at the temple (1988)
the story continues (more pics)