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Q. Why does your web page need a FAQ?
A. It doesn't, not really.
Q. Who's asking these questions and at what point does it become "Frequently asked" and why would anyone want to ask a question of a personal web page and ....
A. OK, OK. it's not really an FAQ its more a Q 'n A but if you would like to ask a question feel free to E-MAIL ME ([email protected]) and I may answer it.
Q. Why should I care about you or your web page?
A. I don't know. You're here for some reason.
Q. If you're a computer jock way is your web page all crappy and uninteresting.
A. Well, I don't think of it as crappy and uninteresting, I like to think of it as "clean and simple." I mean sure, I know all the tricks- backgrounds images, sounds, frames, style sheets, and animated GIFs of dancing chickens. Its just I don't care! I don't think they add to usefulness or functionality of my web page. And some things, like style sheets, I find mildly offensive. I mean if you want to use "comic sans" or "robotech complete" as you default font or if you want a link color different from the text why should my web page tell you different! I really think that the web is getting too far away from its true purpose, a medium to exchange information, and is becoming just another means of entertainment. If I had my way we would all go back to like HTML 2.0 or something. If you need all that formatting then maybe you should take a good hard look at yourself and ask why you need or want all that attation and why you place such value on totally worthless things. Think about all the things mankind could do and accomplish if we stopped wasting time, energy and resources on superficial ornimatation. Go get a hair cut you dirty hippy! Anyway, the one concession I do make is tables; they just separate information out easier.
Q. actually, you seem to use a lot of those tricks, there's even a javascript menu on the front page
A. yes, well things change I guess. You will notice that scrolled across that front page are the words "I have contempt for this page", which I do. The part I hate the most is that I can no longer claim Arachne compatibility, Arachne is F**KING awesome.
No these browsers don't work here no more | |
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If something is stupid but works, it's not stupid!