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Well, here it is my main man, my main computer, "the Cube". In case you were wondering the name "Cube" is derived from it's network ID. I named it "Cube" because... Well, it is a cube! It started life as a milk crate I bought for a dollar. I was looking at some of the cases on www.virtual-hideout.net and I thought most of the cases there were just rip offs of each other, I wanted to do something that would be cool and unique. A computer in a milk crate was the obvious answer, as far as I know I was the first to do this, the milk create computer is now a common site on computer mod sites. It's a totally custom case, built from the ground up not simply a modded case. It took over $300 to finish it (not including the computer parts) and more hours than I care to count. It has a lot of features that you can just buy now, but back when I made it a few years ago they all had to be custom made (like the LCD temperature read out on the front). And, It has a lot of features that may not be obvious from the picture.
CPU | AMD Athlon 550MHz |
Memory | 196MB 100MHz |
Fixed Disk | 40Gig |
OS | PC-DOS 2000 |
Vector Linux | |
Windows 98 SE | |
keyboard | Wireless mini (built into case) |
Mouse | Wireless (built into case) |
Speakers | built into case |