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The Cube

Well, here it is my main man, my main computer, "the Cube". In case you were wondering the name "Cube" is derived from it's network ID. I named it "Cube" because... Well, it is a cube! It started life as a milk crate I bought for a dollar. I was looking at some of the cases on www.virtual-hideout.net and I thought most of the cases there were just rip offs of each other, I wanted to do something that would be cool and unique. A computer in a milk crate was the obvious answer, as far as I know I was the first to do this, the milk create computer is now a common site on computer mod sites. It's a totally custom case, built from the ground up not simply a modded case. It took over $300 to finish it (not including the computer parts) and more hours than I care to count. It has a lot of features that you can just buy now, but back when I made it a few years ago they all had to be custom made (like the LCD temperature read out on the front). And, It has a lot of features that may not be obvious from the picture.

CPU AMD Athlon 550MHz
Memory 196MB 100MHz
Fixed Disk 40Gig
OS PC-DOS 2000
Vector Linux
Windows 98 SE
keyboard Wireless mini
(built into case)
Mouse Wireless
(built into case)
Speakers built into case

Here are some pics of The Cube during construction

Here is the front

Here is the front without the panel

here is a shot of the two donor cases, the forward most one has the back with the slots off

Click on the images to see a larger version

the mother board and everything outside the case

Yes, I know, it's ugly. but this is what the inside of the control box looks like. Notice that the LCD thermometer is powered by a battery and not the computer's power supply

The drive bays being painted

Click on the images to see a larger version

Here you can see the bolt that holds the keyboard receiver to the case

The case bare

Here you can clearly see the acrylic lineing